The Single-line Editor

To make working on systems that don't have a single-line editor (short sle) easier, a simple sle is implemented in UniTerm. The last 20 lines typed by the user are stored in a circular buffer. Pressing Insert starts the sle, the status line will clear and the current line will be displayed instead. The following functions are provided:

move the cursor one character to the right. move the cursor one character to the left. display the previous line. display the next line. Deletedelete the character under the cursor. Backspacedelete the character to the left of the cursor. Insertterminate the sle without sending the current line. Returnsend the current line and leave the sle.

The sle is always in insert mode. DON'T FORGET TO ERASE YOUR PASSWORDS! If you want to disable the sle for this reason, disable it in the Terminal dialog box.